Wednesday, 18 February 2015

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

The other day I was digging through my closet looking for clothes to donate when I came across an old relic of my school uniform. Back then, my mum always bought my clothes two or three sizes larger in the hopes I would "grow into" them. Being an angsty teen, I immediately rebelled and ceased growing (ok, I actually didn't have a choice in the matter) so that means I'm left with a lot of ill-fitting shirts that sit like tents on me. Yeah... not so flattering.

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

Of course, I jumped straight onto the interwebs to look for inspiration, and I found this:

Source: Alexander Wang

I love clean white lines, and the boxy fit of this shirt matched mine perfectly. So I got a-cuttin'!

What you'll need:
  • White button up
  • Scissors
  • Matching thread and needle
  • Ruler
  • Chalk

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

1. Put on the shirt and decide how far you want to crop it. I decided on about 20 cm from the hem, where it would sit comfortably just below my waist. Once you've done so, lay it flat and mark with a straight line where you will cut.

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

2. I wanted a slightly curved back rather than a straight back, so I marked where I wanted the lowest point and drew a gentle curve joining with the line at the front.

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

3. Whip out your scissors and start cutting! I cut 1.5 cm below the lines I drew so I could hem it up.

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

Once you're done, simply hem and wash off the chalk, and you're ready to go!

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

DIY Alexander Wang Cropped Shirt

Easiest DIY ever! Now all I have to work on are my (sadly non-existent) abs.

Let me know what you think of this DIY in the comments below!

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